Goldchess chess school of life

A grandmaster comes to Goldchess. He registers, downloads the chess program and starts playing in our tournaments. If not immediately, then in a very short time he realizes that this knowledge and skills he has are not enough to win with us (with an educational computer at 1500 Elo level) and that he still needs to learn a lot. And he will see with great surprise that he has no privileged position or favorite status here.

In such a situation it is a great unknown who will win, amateur or professional. Everyone can win.

Therefore, in order to increase your chances of winning our Goldchess World Championship 2024 tournament with a prize of $100,000, on August 31, everyone should work solidly with us until then.

Chess players from all over the world are welcome to join the championship, all willing, because it is an online tournament for an unlimited number of participants.

If the top 100 chess players play in it (you are welcome to play for free) and this includes world champions Ding Liren, Carlsen, Anand and Kasparov, of course, all out of competition, without the right to a prize (See the Rules of the Championship, in the Top tournament), it will be the tournament of the century, which will provide millions of chess players and chess fans around the world with an unforgettable experience and allow them to discover a new, more beautiful world of chess.
Goldchess – a showcase of the XXII century.