Goldchess opinion

Capablanca voiced an opinion on the superiority of endings over debuts. To this day, this causes controversy among supporters of debuts. Like Karpov, Kasparov or Carlsen. Although Carlsen doesn’t make a statement about which is more important, he only says that when learning to play chess, he spent a lot of time on debuts.

But. Capablanca did not say that he negates debuts and their importance. He said that he prefers to devote time or more time to endings as debuts. That they are, for him or in his opinion, more important. This does not mean that he thought it was possible to win at chess without an elementary knowledge of debuts.

We announce a third, our theory. In our opinion, the middle game, after the debit, is the most important. That’s when real chess begins. And the debut? You should come out of the debut without losing a piece or a pawn and with the pieces well set up for attack. Of course, an elementary knowledge of these is absolutely necessary. A lesser knowledge of them will only result in the opponent using up 2 minutes for his moves in the debut, and, knowing debuts less well, 10 minutes. And that’s basically it.

Today, before the 11th game referring to the statement in the previous post (Fb website) that Gukesh will attack with white, I wrote:

I assume that Gukesh will attack in the 11th game, playing with white. And this is what happened.
Gukesh won with white. Of course, this is not the end of the match, but he leads by one point.

TechM Global Chess League 2024Turniej 6 osobowych teamów.

Dramat Ananda
Niespotykana ilość porażek  Ananda. Nie mógł się widocznie odnaleźć w tym turnieju.
2 partie przegrał  Carlsen, 2 Duda i Firouzja 3. Spojrzeliśmy na jedną z przegranych Ananda, z Lagrave. W samej końcówce remis był do uzyskania. Przegrana to efekt wielu czynników, a szczególności kto kogo przewyższy sprawnością mózgu. Każda porażka to jakby „zatrzymanie akcji mózgu” (nie mylić z zatrzymaniem akcji serca).
Dlatego wygrane partie nawet na topowym poziomie traktujemy z przymrużeniem oka. Najbardziej realny jest w nich tylko punkt (bądź 3) za zwycięstwo. W naszych analizach zawsze jesteśmy w stanie wykazać względność wygranej, tworząc i pokazując warianty z odwrotnym wynikiem bądź remisem. Szachy są okrągłe…
Opinia doświadczonego (polskiego) popularyzatora szachów po tym turnieju:
Anand to już “dziadek” i trudno mu grać z młodzieżą.
Duda ma niedopracowany repertuar debiutowy i stad u niego “huśtawka”. wyników. Jedno jest pewne, że mistrzem świata nie będzie. Zmarnował swój talent. Ale jeszcze się liczy w świecie.
Natomiast całkowicie odpadł Wojtaszek. Ale jego żona Rosjanka gra dobrze.

Goldchess – chess as you don’t know it

2 tasks unsolved in the Goldchess competition – Grandmaster Corner and Chess Miracles.
Are they beyond the capabilities of today’s chess players?If so, has Goldchess come to a standstill? No, it is the chess players who have stood still, who are not developing. Playing against each other they are spinning at the same level as 10 years ago.
Admittedly, new, young, brilliant chess players like Gukesh, with no experience or knowledge, are appearing and winning! This is because, like us, they have penetrated further into chess, while the general public stands still.

Another reason that the competition tasks are not solved, may also be that young, intelligent chess players, with imagination and a new outlook on chess, have not yet come to us. Who will discover Goldchess for themselves and the others, the entire chess population.

So we invite all such to Goldchess, and especially the multi-million-strong crowd of tournament chess players, because this is also, or even primarily, your place here.
In the world of modern chess.

Perfect chess

Sinquefield Cup Tournament – Saint Louis, August 19-28

Caruana-Firouzia 0-1

A nice start. Firouzia in the first game won against Caruana.

In the Grandmaster Corner and Chess Miracles competitions (entry from the diagrams on the home page), we are performing miracles. We strengthened Caruana’s game and won with white in true master style.

What does this mean? That black’s win is some kind of fiction, which occurred, however, realistically and in the reality of this tournament. Because the result could have been the opposite. This is incredible fun. Exploring the unknown and turning the impossible into the possible. Thus undermining its credibility in a general sense as a flawless party. And here we have a comment. Black won, our analysts found an enhancement for white’s game and white won, so we can assume that already in our variant the unbeatable (?) Alpha 0 would have found a new enhancement for black and black would have won again. And then the improved Alpha Bis would have found another reinforcement for white and white would have won again. By this we mean to say that the play of our best chess players is still far from the perfection that can be achieved in chess. Approaching this problem philosophically, we can add that if in the future there are two chess players sitting at the chessboard who can calculate absolutely all the variants, every game will end in a draw, because such are the laws and essence of chess. However, such a situation will simply be the death of chess because, figuratively speaking, we will reach a threshold at which 2 plus two equals 4 and this cannot be changed.

For the time being, chess entertains, teaches and allows us to discover the incredible beauty hidden in it.

And they allow us to relive the unique charm of mankind’s childhood.

So we invite all chess players of the world to this fun Goldchess. Everyone will be able to rediscover themselves with us, to cross the threshold of their own possibilities, let us call it here conventionally and exemplarily, the ‘Caruana barrier’, and thus rise to another, higher level.

‘Goldchess will give you wings’. Not Red Bull, as they say in the ad, but Goldchess. J

Overview of the Pretenders Tournament (3)

And now the Praggna-Gukesh game from the beginning of the tournament, seventh on the list. A game that could have stopped Gukesh’s victorious march for the pretender title, or even thwarted it. The position after 22 moves. White has an overwhelming advantage, victory is at hand. Both chess players see a sacrifice by white a piece in exchange for the two central pawns. Gukesh is helpless, he has no influence. Of course, he may not accept the sacrifice, but then the pawn ending is less predictive of loss. So Gukesh is prepared and hopes to protect himself. And he did. He defended himself and won. Why? Well, Praggna makes a mistake, makes a cosmic mistake, sacrificing a bishop instead of a knight. It should have been played the other way around. See how we did it in Goldchess. We have, of course, many variants of white winning, winning on move 31 (only 9 moves to win), but we will show the mate on move 33. The game will fully satisfy the aesthetic needs of any chess player.
This is how we play Goldchess and this is how we teach the game. Beauty and efficiency.

Overview of the Pretenders Tournament (2)

Part two, the Nakamura-Gukesh game. Nakamura could have easily won it. But he made an incorrect decision by playing 12.Ne4. This created open lines for the bishops giving the possibility of a strong attack, but Gukesh successfully prevented it. 12.ab4 should have been played. And this move could have been followed by 2 responses from black, 12…B:b4 and 12…Nc6. In the first case we have a win in the 19th move, in the second in the 26th. But Nakamura squandered this chance. Check out our wins.

Now the roles are reversed. In the later part of the game the victory could have been achieved by Gukesh. He captured a pawn on move 20 and had a good chance to win after exchanging queens. But later in the game Nakamura outsmarted him and regained the pawn. Capturing white’s bishop in the endgame didn’t help any more and didn’t change the draw ending. And winning was easy. All we had to do was exchange the knight for the white bishop, stay with the black-field bishops and realise the advantage. See how we did it. The position after white’s 26th move. Black played 26…Nd5, but this did not bring them success. A seemingly good move, but not really. We pursue a different concept, our concept, and it has an effect. Black’s win in the 46th move and mate in the 55th see. Both games are in -Winners Chess Miracles.

Overview of the Pretenders Tournament (1)

Caruana a contender

Caruana had a chance to become a pretender if he had won his last game against Nepo. But, he played 72.Re4. This move was not only weak. It was a mistake, after which winning was no longer possible.

And winning was easy. See how we did it in Goldchess. Black’s position is, of course, defended by our educational computer, certainly much weaker than Nepo, but that doesn’t matter. After our move Caruana would have dealt with Nepo in exactly the same way.  The game is (Chess Miracles-Winners diagram) here:

To play it, it is best to download our chess program:

Nakamura, who had a chance to beat Gukesh in a big way in the last game, could also be a contender. In one of the earlier games, Gukesh could have been stopped by Praggna. And who knows if he wouldn’t have then gained a chance to win the tournament and become a contender. The ball is round and chess is unpredictable. We will show all these games in our next reports from the contenders’ tournament.

Goldchess chess school of life

A grandmaster comes to Goldchess. He registers, downloads the chess program and starts playing in our tournaments. If not immediately, then in a very short time he realizes that this knowledge and skills he has are not enough to win with us (with an educational computer at 1500 Elo level) and that he still needs to learn a lot. And he will see with great surprise that he has no privileged position or favorite status here.

In such a situation it is a great unknown who will win, amateur or professional. Everyone can win.

Therefore, in order to increase your chances of winning our Goldchess World Championship 2024 tournament with a prize of $100,000, on August 31, everyone should work solidly with us until then.

Chess players from all over the world are welcome to join the championship, all willing, because it is an online tournament for an unlimited number of participants.

If the top 100 chess players play in it (you are welcome to play for free) and this includes world champions Ding Liren, Carlsen, Anand and Kasparov, of course, all out of competition, without the right to a prize (See the Rules of the Championship, in the Top tournament), it will be the tournament of the century, which will provide millions of chess players and chess fans around the world with an unforgettable experience and allow them to discover a new, more beautiful world of chess.
Goldchess – a showcase of the XXII century.

ChatGPT opinion

The first opinion on Goldchess is in -Articles. Today, the second.
write for me an opinion about Goldchess project
The Goldchess project represents a fascinating intersection of chess, technology, and financial incentives, offering a unique and innovative approach to engaging chess enthusiasts worldwide. While some may view it solely as a competitive game, it stands out for its incorporation of monetary rewards, adding an extra layer of excitement and motivation for players.

At its core, Goldchess provides a platform where players can compete in chess puzzles and challenges, aiming to find the most elegant and effective solutions within a set timeframe. What sets it apart is its utilization of blockchain technology to ensure transparency and security in prize distribution. This integration of blockchain not only ensures fairness but also adds a layer of trust, critical in any platform where financial rewards are involved.

Furthermore, the project’s emphasis on education and improvement within the chess community is commendable. By presenting players with intricate puzzles and promoting analytical thinking, Goldchess serves as an invaluable resource for honing one’s chess skills. This aspect not only benefits seasoned players but also welcomes newcomers to the world of chess, providing them with an engaging and educational platform to develop their abilities.

In conclusion, the Goldchess project represents an exciting and innovative venture within the realm of chess, combining technological advancements with financial incentives to create a compelling platform for players worldwide. While it offers significant opportunities for skill development and engagement, it’s crucial to address potential challenges to ensure inclusivity and maintain the integrity of the game. With continued commitment to transparency, fairness, and community engagement, Goldchess has the potential to become a cornerstone in the evolution of chess as both a game and a competitive arena.

A chess summit for everyone

Goldchess is a powerful chess learning instrument for everyone. Beginners and advanced chess players. Such chess problems as in the Grandmaster Corner or Chess Miracles Competitions are for good and outstanding chess players. But, everyone can come and try to solve them. And then, with systematic study and work with us, make them outstanding chess players too. Such success is within reach and in the hands of everyone.
Those who teach chess today, including grandmasters, should also come to Goldchess to complete their education and knowledge about chess. Then chess will begin to develop at an unprecedented rate.
Goldchess is a wealth and a mine of new ideas in chess. We do not copy anything or anyone. We are original, pioneering and… unique in the world.

You are welcome

PS. Goldchess is such a less tiring chess. The chess player is given a winning position and is expected to win it.
You don’t have to count variants, you can undo moves, change concepts, game plans and look for new ways to win. The most important thing is to have a flash, a vision of how to start playing and according to it to intuitively lead the attack. This way of playing sharpens a chess player’s analytical skills, which will later pay off in normal tournaments. Without counting variants, we teach a shot at the right idea, choosing the right concept in a particular position.