Perfect chess

Sinquefield Cup Tournament – Saint Louis, August 19-28

Caruana-Firouzia 0-1

A nice start. Firouzia in the first game won against Caruana.

In the Grandmaster Corner and Chess Miracles competitions (entry from the diagrams on the home page), we are performing miracles. We strengthened Caruana’s game and won with white in true master style.

What does this mean? That black’s win is some kind of fiction, which occurred, however, realistically and in the reality of this tournament. Because the result could have been the opposite. This is incredible fun. Exploring the unknown and turning the impossible into the possible. Thus undermining its credibility in a general sense as a flawless party. And here we have a comment. Black won, our analysts found an enhancement for white’s game and white won, so we can assume that already in our variant the unbeatable (?) Alpha 0 would have found a new enhancement for black and black would have won again. And then the improved Alpha Bis would have found another reinforcement for white and white would have won again. By this we mean to say that the play of our best chess players is still far from the perfection that can be achieved in chess. Approaching this problem philosophically, we can add that if in the future there are two chess players sitting at the chessboard who can calculate absolutely all the variants, every game will end in a draw, because such are the laws and essence of chess. However, such a situation will simply be the death of chess because, figuratively speaking, we will reach a threshold at which 2 plus two equals 4 and this cannot be changed.

For the time being, chess entertains, teaches and allows us to discover the incredible beauty hidden in it.

And they allow us to relive the unique charm of mankind’s childhood.

So we invite all chess players of the world to this fun Goldchess. Everyone will be able to rediscover themselves with us, to cross the threshold of their own possibilities, let us call it here conventionally and exemplarily, the ‘Caruana barrier’, and thus rise to another, higher level.

‘Goldchess will give you wings’. Not Red Bull, as they say in the ad, but Goldchess. J