Solving and Goldchess

In short, Goldchess is also about solving chess problems and tasks but in the newest form, playing live against chess computer CEEC (Chess Elite Educational Computer). On the other side Goldchess is a duplicate or a mirror image of a practical game. As a matter of fact the game is against a computer with 1800 ELO educational level, but he is „alive”, plays by defending, counterattacking and overall – plays well. 🙂 There is also some innovation. Goldchess combinations can’t be found in a chess base that contains 8 millions of games. In this case chess players have to do or to discover something new, which is also their creativity! The only guideline is for example a mate in 30, which is at the same time a hint. Nevertheless players have to discover it on their own. Additionally, there is no way of being a copycat as in many cases chess players win by following their own path or by creating new variants. During the Goldchess Polish Championship nobody has won by the authors choice but only by doing the right amount of moves to win. A different way. Also, nobody has won faster than the author. On the other hand, in the VIIIth round of Rosija – America tournament, it was necessary to repeat authors variant to win. Now the question is if they were copycats? No, they found their own solution – on their own. The only hint they had was the fact that it was possible to do. Although CEEC is not an expert on 3000 ELO, it can teach many professional chess players a lesson. Because chess is like life, never ending learning. Additional success of CEEC and Goldchess problems is due to the fact that mostly none of the stronger chess computers can solve it. We’ve tested it against Fritz, Rybka and Houdini – none of them succeed. It is as a result of CEEC computer playing in a very specific way and a different way of playing by the author. Combining both of those facts gives an unbelievable effect, in which the best way of winning is to make moves which won’t be made by stronger computer because most of them fail as they do not create an opportunity to win in as many moves or faster from the author. Another conclusion is that not only stronger computers can’t solve the problem, but also grandmasters can’t always. The main conclusion is that in Goldchess, both amateurs and professionals have equal chances. It is different than in most of traditional tournaments where there is a few chess players with a ranking above 2700 ELO and one of them has to win. As a matter of fact the chances are not even 1% that one of them would win if they would participate in our Goldchess Polish Championship. This makes Goldchess unique. A little modest educational computer CEEC has no respect before anyone. It is not afraid of high rankings, titles, or stronger computers. This is an innovation… simple beauty. Goldchess is a new quality, style, XXII century, it is „New way of chess”. We invite you to check our website. We have a Contest for the most beautiful game of the world (everybody can send their game – candidate), Grandmaster Corner, with a prize of $100, free Gold 0 game, with a prize of $50 every week and a world phenomenon, Rosija-America tournament, with a prize fund $50 000! 1st Edition is a replay of Anand-Gelfand game, and the problems are actual positions from their game. In the 2nd Edition, also with $50 000 prize fund, we will show a replay of Anand-Carlsen! Tournament entry fee, to win $50 000 of prizes, is only $30 in promotion. You can join the tournament at any moment, also before the last round in which the prize will be $12 000! Starting May 7th 2016! New way of chess.